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Let's Talk About Money: Basics to Blockchains


课程概述 / About This Course

你真的知道钱是什么吗?在不举例或解释钱"做什么"的情况下,你能定义钱"是什么"吗?为了回答这个极具挑战性的问题,欢迎加入课程 聊一聊钱:从基础知识到区块链,探索不同的货币理论,从而发现货币的本质。在这个旅程中,你不仅会惊讶地发现,我们谈论金钱的方式包含了对金钱过去的好奇暗示,而且还可以了解现代金钱是如何产生的,以及时下最新最前沿的金融技术,如新的数字人民币和区块链,了解它们对金钱的未来意味着什么。


Do you really know what money is? Without giving examples or explaining what money “does”, can you define what money “is”? To answer this challenging question, join this course and explore the different theories of money and, thereby, discover the nature of money. Along this journey, you will not only be surprised to learn that how we talk about money contains curious hints about money’s past, but also learn how modern money is made, and what the latest cutting-edge financial technologies, such as the new digital RMB and blockchains, mean for money’s future.

This course is based on Prof. Elard's blockchain and money course that was recognized by Shanghai's Municipal Education Commission as one of the "2022 First-Class Undergraduate Courses of Shanghai Higher Education Institutions."

教师 / Faculty

Ilaf Elard

Ilaf Elard 现任上海纽约大学经济学实践副教授和数据科学与人工智能研究中心核心教员。Elard教授的研究兴趣包括区块链、金融科技以及国际宏观金融。加入上海纽约大学前, Elard教授曾任上海对外经贸大学金融学助理教授。来华任教前,他曾在美国布朗大学担任经济学访问助理教授,在伦敦的英格兰银行担任访问研究员。Elard教授在牛津大学获得经济学博士学位。

Ilaf Elard is an Associate Professor of Practice in Economics and Core Faculty Member at the Center for Data Science and A.I at NYU Shanghai. He researches blockchain, fintech and international macro-finance. Previously he was an Assistant Professor of Finance at Shanghai UIBE, Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics at Brown University in the U.S., and visiting researcher at the Bank of England in London, U.K. Professor Elard holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Oxford.

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